Okay, so I have a hen who is pretty determined to get what she wants. You see Miss Moulon is kind of mean to the new babies....she takes out thier tail feathers and leaves them scattered across the yard, just her presence makes them all run, roosters included. It all started when I decided to start merging the older hens with the almost 16 week old younger chicks and deliberately left Moulon out of the event. In order to voice her displeasure she came to find me to let me know how unhappy she was with her circumstances. She came through my back living room, where the door is, through my kitchen and dining room and walked right up to my husband who was sitting at my desk. She was not happy. She was fluffing and bock bocking all over the place. This was our conversation.
Moulon: "I was going to be good!"
Me: "you are never nice to the babies, they run from you"
Moulon: "well, they get the better food!"
Me: "you are a hen, and need more substance in your food"
Moulon: "that's not fair!"
Me: "Fine, I'll put you in, but if there are any feathers laying around, you are going to be grounded to the inside coop."
Moulon: "I'm not the only one doing it."
Me: "Yes you are"
I put her in the coop and she behaved herself. I guess we both got what we wanted!
This made me laugh! We too had several mean hens last year, but I placed them all together on a farm where there were no babies. I have 9 older chicks (14 weeks) and 4 younger chicks (6 weeks) that I want to incorporate soon and I am hoping they will figure out how to get along.
ReplyDeleteThis was a first for me! Now that the roosters are gone, I have begun to incorporate the girls together. This weekend my son is helping me enlarge the coop and we are going to totally revamp it. My plan is to put them all to bed right at dark together. I've done some research and everyone I've read recommends putting them together at night when everyone is tired and that they should just wake up and realize the flock is bigger. I'm hoping it is that smooth! Moulon can be real cranky! What breeds are your birds? Mine are 1 Buff, 2 Sussex, 1 Black Copper Marans, 8 mixed Americauna, Marans. My egg colors are going to be exciting I think!