Here are som pictures and information on my doggies. They are not necessarily farm dogs, since the whole concept of having a small farm didn't come long until after they were here. But they are my babies none the less! Oldest to youngest......
Rocky, who at 18 years old is just as spry as a pup! He's a terror at the dog park and is suffering from serious "little dog" syndrome. He does have some slow days where he sleeps more than anything else, but what else do you expect from a canine that is 126 human years? He prefers to eat his food from a fork and likes to change his mind about his tastes on a regular basis. He sleeps in whatever room I am in, he has stratigically placed blankets everywhere I sit so that he can be close to me. These days he sleeps in longer than my husband and I, usually coming downstairs when he is ready to potty around 11:00 in the morning. He is the dog that everyone wants when they meet my crew....sweet and loveable unless you are a dog that is larger than him!
Me and my Rocky |
The picture above is Bo, my Min Pin who is 16 years old. I got him soon after adopting Rocky from the local Oklahoma City Pound. The vet recommended that we get another dog to keep Rocky from running aw
ay so that was how Bo came to be a part of our family. He was six weeks old when we got him. He liked to chase cars (and get run over by them), bite peoples ankles and drive me crazy. Now, he can't see an ankle to bite it if he wanted to. He's been a sweet dog and a constant companion to Rocky through the years.
"The Don" Veto
I took Veto in for my son when his dad decided that they were going to rehome him from thier house. We figure he is approximately 5 years old. He's a Boston Terror, um, I mean Terrier! He's a great dog but can be very hyper and super stealth. This is the dog you want to have when you want to go jogging in the dark, or when you are on a road trip alone. This dog will lay his life down for his people! He loves and is devoted to my (now 18 year old) son and I know that he is going to be a great dog to that will look after my boy he's away at college! Veto has a heart of gold!
lil miss Layla |
Bo, Rocky and Layla |
This is Layla, our rescue pug. We got her from a group who rescued her from an Amish puppy mill. She is my daughters dog. She likes to take over the entire bed when she sleeps with her. She is plump and doesn't enjoy having to go outside for potty breaks unless the weather is ideal and in that case you can't keep her in the house. She is the resident Chicken protector, since she does bark and somewhat intimidates the hawks that fly over. She gets along with all of the chickens and cats and dogs. This is an easygoing lady!
"Princess" Gracie
Gracie is the second to the youngest pup in the house. She's a Boston Terrier, but is missing the characteristic black coloring around her eyes. I think it makes her unique! She came home the day that our youngest dog, Elvis, came home. She was a puppy that aged out of a store that sells puppies and was on her way to the local pound when I saw her. I couldn't let them take her to the pound and so I haggled with the man to give her to me. It was probably an under the table deal but she was worth it to me. She is observant and has such an easygoing personality. She likes to think that she is the queen bee, and gets in trouble with me often because she bosses the other dogs around too much. The cats really like her and it's not uncommon to see them cuddling with her. She is active and protective of the house, but her bark is sounds like a bull horn being blown directly into your ear, it is annoying! She likes to find toys throughout the house and drop them at your feet to play with her. She is my constant companion along with Rocky and she is smart and fiesty just like me!

Last but not least, is Elvis. Our 2 1/2 year old English Bulldog. He is a pill. At 86 lbs he thinks he is a lap dog and wants to sit on you all the time. He still has alot of puppy left in him. He is agile and can climb most anything you put in front of him. He LOVES the water! He is definately a momma's boy, and if I am going for a walk he wants to be with me. He loves to dress up and loves kids, although they are usually afraid to come up to him. He is gentle when he needs to be, but loves a good game of chase and fetch. As I am typing this he has found himself a comfortable spot on my couch and is snoring like a train! You gotta love a bulldog!
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