Monday, February 6, 2012

busy weekend!

     Bless thier little fuzzy little chicks are here! I ended up coming home with more than the original ten chicks I had planned and instead I came home with thirteen. They are so tiny and so cute! So many different colors! They are so much smaller than the chicks that I got last March. I was pretty sure that my husband wouldn't mind (too much) a few extra chicks. I decided that since I was taking a straight run there would be a chance that I would get some males in the group, so taking thirteen seemed reasonable...and did I mention that they are so cute? I'm posting a few pictures of Gracie checking out the new babies, she is so intrigued but I'm not entirely always sure that she isn't wanting to have a little taste. 

I want to hold one and lick one...
sweet babies!

     Our weekend was busy, we (mostly my husband) painted my living room (again). It used to be a tan type color that NOT an inpiring color. We decided to stay with our current bright color theme a little bit country while livin' at the beach. I suppose that since we can't be at the beach, we are bringing it here! I love the new vibe it brings in. Now I have to get new wall art and sell off the old stuff!

     We also had our grandson visiting for the weekend. He is a busy little man I'll tell ya! I got up early to start painting on Saturday morning and right as my feet hit the floor at seven am, here he came. "Nana, I'm hungry". He noticed that I was wearing a bandana on my head and asked me why I was wearing it. I told him I had it on to not get paint in my hair. He said "No, you are wearing it because you are making me waffles and it's like the lady on the syrup bottle". I quickly thought to myself "I look like Aunt Jemima?" this is so not good! We took off from painting about at about two so I could take my youngest son to a birthday party at a waterpark. Perfect for wearing out a little boys energy! So, while I frolicked in the water with the little men, my husband and daughter finished up my living room (sweeties!)

Water fun!

     We also had dinner with some old friends and had them over to see some of the changes in the house. It will be hard leaving so many people that we've come to know when we move, but I'm so looking forward to new friendly faces in Florida! Have a great week everyone!

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